Pro­gramme 2024

The Agenda (overview) for Cartoon Springboard 2024 is coming soon.

Tues­day 29 October

Arrival of the par­tic­i­pants - Pre­sen­ta­tion of Madrid Based Pro­duc­tion offices to Madrid Young Tal­ents - Wel­come Words - Mas­ter­class - Intro­duc­tion of Tal­ents - Wel­come Dinner

Arrival of the participants

Pre­sen­ta­tion of Madrid Based Pro­duc­tion offices to Madrid Young Talents

Wel­come Coffee

Wel­come Words


Intro­duc­tion of Talents

Wel­come Dinner

  • Wel­come Din­ner host­ed by City of Madrid & Region of Madrid

Wednes­day 30 October

Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Lunch - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Free Evening

Pitch­ing Sessions


Pitch­ing Sessions

Free Evening

Thurs­day 31 October

Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Lunch - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Farewell Cocktail

Pitch­ing Sessions


Keynotes & Pitch­ing Sessions

Farewell Cock­tail