Our val­ues

CARTOON's values

Sustainable Development Policy

CARTOON’s remit is to support the animation industry by organising several types of events throughout the year dedicated to animation professionals.

At CARTOON, we aim to create safe, sustainable, and inclusive events where exchanges and
discussions are based on mutual acknowledgement and where everyone is treated with respect and as equals.

As event organisers, we are dedicated to finding better solutions to organise our events in a more responsible way and to extend this care to our workplace. Every year, we wish to go further on the path of sustainability. Step by step, we learn how to change our habits, in order to reduce our impact on the planet. The CARTOON team and all the suppliers, technicians, etc. involved in our events are working together to make it happen. Our participants are warmly invited to join our efforts and help us adopt better sustainable practices.

CARTOON strives to:

Strength­en sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic growth
  • Structure and organise the European animation sector for enhanced efficiency;
  • Integrate our events into the local economic system;
  • Create synergy among industry stakeholders by facilitating connections and business opportunities.
Min­imise our envi­ron­men­tal impact through sus­tain­able initiatives
  • Reduce the overall carbon footprint of our events;
  • Prioritise local suppliers and opt for socially responsible partners;
  • Promote eco-friendly transportation options;
  • Ensure a sustainable local food supply;
  • Develop action plans to manage waste (minimising, upcycling, sorting, etc.).
Cul­ti­vate a bet­ter way of liv­ing together
  • Commit to parity and inclusion;
  • Foster well-being and safety for all involved parties;
  • Facilitate access to professionals from countries with low audiovisual capacity;
  • Coach and involve young talents in the animation market.
Aspire to be a role model
  • Work towards making our values the cornerstone of the European animation industry;
  • Highlight our sustainable practices and communicate them to all our stakeholders;
  • Promote responsible behaviour changes to cultivate sustainable habits.

The ISO 20121 standard sets a framework that supports the achievement of the sustainable development goals established by CARTOON, aiming for continuous improvement and always in full respect of the legal, health, safety, and other requirements applicable to the events.

The Board of Directors is fully committed to ensuring the implementation of CARTOON’s sustainable development policy. To achieve this, adequate resources are allocated.

This policy was signed on 22/05/2024 by Christian Davin (President of the Board) and Marie Bro (Vice President of the Board).

Our actions

For more details about our actions, please have a look at the events' dedicated sections:

Our initiatives

CARTOON works in collaboration with Carbulator, the first carbon calculator dedicated to the animation sector, designed by and for industry professionals. Initiated and supported by AnimFrance, the union of French animation producers and studios, Carbulator is a tool that allows the measurement of a studio's carbon footprint, as well as that of the productions created there. Carbulator's ambition is to enable European animation studios to conduct their carbon assessments using Carbulator and to co-create, with interested parties, the collaborative platform for the ecological transition of the European animation sector.

Already adopted by a large portion of French animation professionals - with over 400 user accounts created. MIAM! studio is one of the beta testers of Carbulator:
"Thanks to V2, we were able to calculate the carbon footprint of our series 'Edmond and Lucy' (52 x 12'), broadcast on France Télévisions, as well as the projected carbon footprint of our series currently in production 'Les Minus' (52 x 11'), which is scheduled to air in 2025 on CANAL+ Group."

Code of conduct

At CARTOON, we aim to create safe, sustainable, and inclusive events where exchanges and discussions are based on mutual acknowledgement and where everyone is treated with respect and as equals.

This is why CARTOON will not tolerate any form of written, verbal, or physical abuse or threats, the use of derogatory or discriminatory language, gestures, or actions, any form of harassment, racism, and sexism, or any other targeted comments on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, background, skin colour, sexuality, gender identity, socio-economic class, caste, disability, or age.

CARTOON reserves the right to deny access to its onsite and online programmes, venues and social activities without prior notice to anyone who violates these rules.

If you witness or experience any harmful behaviour, please contact us directly at info@cartoon-media.eu or talk to one of our team members onsite.