Car­toon Spring­board 2022: Highlights

What a pleasure it has been to attend Cartoon Springboard in a new city: Madrid was a delightful host! Welcoming the young generation of authors, directors and producers in such a historical town was an inspiration in itself; but the projects we discovered have set a new level. Emotion, laughter, inspiration, and even a hint of revolution were present in the room for the pleasure of our eyes and hearts.
May the young talents be thanked for their courage and boldness, may the experts be thanked for their kindness and insightful help.


We were hap­py to wel­come 169 par­tic­i­pants from 24 coun­tries. Among them, 38 talents with projets, and 26 experts from 13 countries were attend­ing. 23 projects were presented dur­ing the event.


Pos­i­tive vibes. More than half of the projects have cho­sen Com­e­dy” as a genre: 14 in total, and 13 projects were defined as Adven­ture”. We can see how the young gen­er­a­tion is seek­ing a pos­i­tive approach in ani­ma­tion. We had a great deal of fun with Apoc­a­lypse Moji­to (France), Bean­boy (Den­mark), Hap­pi­ly Nev­er After (Czech Repub­lic), KAHI­BO (Ger­many), Miss­ing Pieces (Spain), and Salty Banana (Croa­t­ia).

Con­tem­po­rary chal­lenges. Com­mit­ment is not a vain word for the new gen­er­a­tion of ani­ma­tors. Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is touched upon in a few projects, the future of our plan­et is in ques­tion, and the answer is some­times absurd or rad­i­cal, like in Garbage (Czech Repub­lic) or The Last Drop (Spain). As for Diver­si­ty, we see this top­ic become a major con­cern, bring­ing up racism, LGBT, and men­tal health at the fore­front in Awa in the Desert (Spain) or For an Hour and a Half (France).

Friends and fam­i­ly first. Symp­to­matic of our post-Covid times, the main char­ac­ter often dis­ap­pears in favour of the fam­i­ly or a group of friends. The sto­ry is not lead any­more by a sin­gle hero, but by the group, a com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ing each of its mem­bers. We saw this in: Ajo West! (Italy), Dark Dark Woods (Den­mark), Eva and the World (France), Lil’ Won­ders (Ire­land), OTIS (Slo­va­kia), Phan­tas­ma (Spain), Surkotés (Bel­gium), and The Red Cliff (Nether­lands).

Women behind the cam­era. As for the cre­ative teams sup­port­ing the projects pre­sent­ed on stage, we see that the fem­i­nine share for Direc­tors is 42%, and for Project Pitch­ing 44%. The evo­lu­tion is con­stant, and shows how young women make their way up into ani­ma­tion industry.

New busi­ness mod­els and alliances. When young cre­ators and pro­duc­ers team up, it’s for the best! Some even already have fund­ed their cre­ative stu­dio: Eva and the World (France), Fridge & TV (Spain), and The Cher­ry Broth­ers (France). Anoth­er kind of alliance comes with the sup­port of their region­al fund, like Ajo West! (Italy) with NAS (New Ani­ma­tion in Sardegna).


  • A strange world – Absurd humor and dystopia were chosen by talents to talk about our contemporary world and its (doomed) future: Apocalypse Mojito (France), Fridge & TV (Spain), Happily Never After (Czech Republic), Missing Pieces (Spain), or Salty Banana (Croatia).
  • No dialogues – words can be overrated, a few projects decided to go without any, at least coming from an understandable language: 9 Million Colors (Czech Republic), and Lazaro (Spain).
  • Stunning visuals – stop-motion, animation on live shots, ultra-colors: 9 Million Colors (Czech Republic), For an Hour and a Half (France), Dark Dark Woods (Denmark), Surkotés (Belgium), and The Cherry Brothers (France).
  • Entering people's mind – what if it was possible to enter people's mind to read it and get the best understanding of emotions and feelings, some projects made it happen: Beanboy (Denmark), Eva & The World (France), and Rille & Julia (Sweden).


The main part­ners of Car­toon­ Springboard are Cre­ative Europe — MEDIA Programme, Region of Madrid, City of Madrid, Madrid Film Office & ICEX - Spain Trade & Investments.


Cartoon Springboard will return next year in Madrid: 24-26 October 2023