Your Tech­ni­cal Form

You can mention in the Technical Form the audiovisual equipment you will bring and use for your pitching session.


  • Frame rate: 25 frames per second is required to ensure the best possible quality
  • Frame size: HD 1920 x 1080 (16:9)
  • Codec video: Apple ProRes 422 (or H.264 com­pres­sion in full HD)
  • All files with stereo audio

Impor­tant: it’s not pos­si­ble to have a DCP either 3D stereo­scop­ic this year.


  • You will need to bring YOUR OWN COM­PUT­ER. Take your DVI- or HDMI- Adapter with you if you use an Ultra­book, tablet PC or iPad, that has no stan­dard HDMI, or DVI connector.
  • Your com­put­er or tablet needs a USB‑A sock­et OR audio-jack 3,5 mm to grab the audio signal.
  • The Car­toon Movie tech­ni­cians will NOT down­load any pre­sen­ta­tion files from the Inter­net or ftp.
  • Always save your pre­sen­ta­tion on your com­put­er AND on a USB stick as a back-up.


Your pre­sen­ta­tion can be con­duct­ed in one of these lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Ital­ian or Span­ish. Car­toon pro­vides a live translation.

For any ques­tion regard­ing your tech­ni­cal form, you can con­tact Nino Zen nino.​zen@​cartoon-​media.​eu.