
Before sub­mit­ting a project, make sure you pre­pared all the required elements.

More infor­ma­tion on the projects sub­mis­sion can be found in the TOOL­BOX 2025: ENG­LISH - FRENCH

STEP 1: Pre­pare all the required elements

1. Synopsis

Short description of the story, to be published in our application and on our website.

  • In English
  • Max. 700 characters including spaces

2. Project File (PDF)

Prepare a file to present your project in the best way, adding images from your project and elements that best describe it in order to convince the Selection Committee.

You will find below some suggestions of elements to put in the file, but you are free to re-arrange them.

  • Summary page with the title, producers and co-producers, length, genre, audience,…
  • The concept of the project
  • The synopsis
  • Several attractive stills of the project
  • The treatment / storylines (extensive description of the story)
  • A description of the characters
  • A note of intent of the producer
  • A description of the state of progress
  • A copy of the transfer of rights option letter, if applies


  • 1 single PDF
  • Try not to exceed 25 pages
  • in English
  • Max 10 MB

3. Letter of interest

Each project must be accompanied by a written statement of interest from a distributor, a sales agent, or a streaming platform representative, attesting to their interest in the project (letter of interest optional for the projects in concept, but mandatory for other categories of submission). In the online form you will need to provide:

  • Name of the company
  • First name, last name and email address of the contact person
  • Letter in PDF format (max. 10MB)

4. Images

In addition to the images from your project file, prepare 3 nice stills of the project for our mobile app, our website, the agenda and the press.

  • Production companies will be mentioned on the mobile application and the website but we won't add any copyright to the stills ourselves (so please insert one yourself if you want one).
  • Take a look at a preview of how the projects will be published on the website and on the mobile app.

Note that you should not change the pictures once the project has been submitted.

1 vertical still

  • 1920x2560 px, RGB, jpg, max. 10MB
  • WITH the title of your project
  • WITH the logos or name of the production companies

1 horizontal still

  • 1920x1150 px, RGB, jpg, max. 10MB
  • Without any text
  • This image has to be different from the vertical one.
  • WITH a discrete mention of the copyright

1 square still

  • 650x650 px, jpg only, max. 1 MB
  • WITH a discrete mention of the copyright

5. Video

If available, you will be able to enter a link in the online form. You can also provide a video via WeTransfer at

  • MANDATORY for films in production or sneak preview: an extract of the film (5 min) for the films in production and the complete film for the films in sneak preview.
  • Optional for the other categories.
STEP 2: Con­nect to your account

Go to My Car­toon and login or cre­ate an account.

STEP 3: Com­plete the online form

Go to My Projects, choose Car­toon Movie, and click on “Sub­mit a project”

  • Check the preview of the form here and check all the information you must provide.
  • Please fill-in all the required fields, all at once.
  • Don’t forget to click on submit.
  • You will receive a sum­ma­ry by email once it is completed.

Accep­ta­tion of the project — Reg­is­tra­tion to the event

Cartoon Movie's Selection Committee will inform you soon after its deci­sion beginning of December.
Should your project be selected, please do not for­get to reg­is­ter before 20 December 2024, and to pay the fee.

With­draw­al of projects

Pro­duc­ers whose project has been select­ed at Car­toon­ Movie are not allowed to with­draw their project after 9 January 2025, or they will have to pay the sum of 1000 EUR. This rule is set in order to be fair to the oth­er pro­duc­ers who did­n’t have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be select­ed.

All changes or cancellations must be communicated in writing to movie@​cartoon-​media.​eu