Car­toon Spring­board 2023: Highlights

Being welcomed in the historical building of the Ateneo in the heart of Madrid has been a delight for this new edition of Cartoon Springboard!
Together we have experienced a lot of emotions, we've been surprised and touched, and we have learned so much from everyone, from the young talents pitching their projects to the professionals sharing their achievements and learnings along the way.
Congratulations to this upcoming generation that showed up on stage with very personal stories, and beautiful designs.


Friends are all we need. What will we be with­out friends to sup­port us? That is cer­tain­ly a les­son well learned by the new gen­er­a­tion: we need to care for each oth­er, we need to be con­nect­ed. We saw what friend­ship means with: Bein­Bud­dies, Fresh­style, Illog­i­cal Adult World, New Wave, and The For­eign Broth­er.

Child­hood as a back­bone. The kid we were is the one we need to meet again, under­stand and nur­ture. A great num­ber of projects were direct­ly inspired by a per­son­al jour­ney tak­ing its roots in child­hood, like in The Giant Bom­bar­done, Chest­nut Kid, Shaman Ther­a­py, and When Mon­sters With­er.

Not every­thing makes sense. The world can be a strange place. Off­beat humor, absurd envi­ron­ment, unex­pect­ed twists, some­times weird­ness is all what’s left to explore con­tem­po­rary chal­lenges. We saw this in: All Good, Digi­man (WT), Inspec­tor, Your Pants!, and The Fast Way.

Women behind the cam­era. As for the cre­ative teams sup­port­ing the projects pre­sent­ed on stage, we see that the fem­i­nine share for Direc­tors is 42%, and for Project Pitch­ing 44%. The evo­lu­tion is con­stant, and shows how young women make their way up into ani­ma­tion industry.

Sup­port­ing the tal­ents. Insti­tu­tion­al funds have the tal­ents’ inter­ests at heart, and are active to sup­port their cre­ativ­i­ty.
The SACD (Société des Auteurs et Com­pos­i­teurs Dra­ma­tiques in France) has cho­sen to sup­port: Camille Hum­mel and Lucie Pradeau (“Fresh­style”), and Manon Tac­cioni (“Bitch­es”).
While FWB (Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles in Bel­gium), WBIm­ages / WB sup­ports Link Dapoigny (“Labin­ocle”), Thérèse Blanck­aert, and George Plas­saras-Vokos – the two lat­ter with­out projects.
Madrid’s Com­mu­ni­ty Gov­ern­ment and Madrid City Coun­cil – through the Gen­er­al Coor­di­na­tion of the May­or’s Office of Madrid. Madrid City Coun­cil – sup­port the par­tic­i­pa­tion of four projects led by film­mak­ers from Madrid: Silence Some­times, in devel­op­ment fea­ture film by Álvaro Rob­les (Insti­tu­to de Cine de Madrid); The Fast Way, TV series by Javier Moratil­la Heras & Isabel­la Hernán­dez Vig­no­la (U-tad); All Good, in devel­op­ment series by Diego Por­ral writ­ten by Joaquín Gar­ral­da; and When Mon­sters With­er, in devel­op­ment fea­ture film by Adrián Mon­fer­rer and Pablo Alcázar.


  • Learning from peers – You're not always ready to pitch, but nothing helps better than seeing others presenting, and feeling safe on stage. 30 young talents were curious enough to join us without pitching!
  • Being brave and telling the truth – The courage to be bold and true to who you are was at the heart of many very different projects: Labinocle, Maestitia, Moon Wars, Mong / My Grandmother is a Skydiver, Bitches, and Zinnia, the Moonlight & Starfish.
  • Being lonely and overcoming it – Experiencing loneliness has been the common denominator as well as a positive outcome in: Silence Sometimes, and Soul for a Hot Dog.
  • Being hopeful and reconnecting with nature – Even when confronted with disappointment, tough decisions or unexpected difficulties, it is important to remain hopeful, and the connection with nature is often part of the solution. A few projects showed us the way: Azul's Journey, No Pets!, and SkateBugs.


The main part­ners of Car­toon­ Springboard are Cre­ative Europe — MEDIA Programme, Region of Madrid, City of Madrid, Madrid Film Office & ICEX - Spain Trade & Investments.


Cartoon Springboard will return next year in Madrid: 29-31 October 2024