Car­toon Movie 2024: Highlights

The 26th edition of Cartoon Movie brought once again all the European creativity and diversity on screen and on stage with daring projects and passionate teams! We were delighted to welcome 886 participants, among which 264 buyers, with 12.5% of newcomers. This year, we have also noticed a significant attraction of animation projects towards adventure themes. And strengthening existing synergies with other industries such as publishing and video gaming has become paramount in today's world.

55 projects of feature movies from 16 European countries were presented this year, for a total budget of 397.6 Million EUR, representing 84 hours of animation. France led this year's selection (15 projects), tailed by Belgium, Germany, and Spain (5 projects each). The Nordic countries have doubled their participation year-on-year with 9 projects, which break down as follows: Norway (4), Denmark (2), Sweden (2), and Finland (1). Also noteworthy is the sustained participation of the CEE countries, with 6 projects from Poland (3), Hungary (1), and Czech Republic (2), while Luxembourg has enhanced its profile with 3 projects as majority producer.


Only projects in Development & in Production – The order reflects the percentage of buyers present in the pitching room
1. Rosa & Dara and their Great Summer Adventure (Czech Republic / Slovakia) - 63%
2. Rouxelle and the Pirates (Belgium / Switzerland) - 61%
3. Milo (Ireland) - 58%
4. Niko - Beyond the Northern Lights (Finland / Germany / Ireland / Denmark) - 54%
5. Mami Fatale and the Great Cookbook (Poland) - 51%
6. Balls (Sweden) - 49%
6. Kaja the Great (Norway / Belgium) - 49%
7. Agent 203 (Germany / Spain) - 48%
8. Flamingo Flamenco (Germany / Spain) - 46%
9. When Mumbo Jumbo Grew Giant (Denmark) - 45%
9. Dom Fradique (Portugal / Italy) - 45%
10. Twisted (France / Italy) - 43%
10. Yugly (Belgium / France) - 43%
10. Out of Frame (Germany) - 43%


1. The Island of Salamanders (France / Slovakia / Germany)
2. Pesta (Norway / France / Germany)
3. Yugly (Belgium / France)
4. Ogresse (France / Belgium)
5. The Defects (Luxembourg / France / Belgium)
6. Twisted (France / Italy)
7. Picasso in Royan (France / Spain)
8. Flamingo Flamenco (Germany / Spain)
8. Super Charlie (Sweden / Denmark / Norway)
9. Dom Fradique (Portugal / Italy)
9. The Treasure of the Wyrm (Italy / France / Czech Republic)
10. Into the Wonderwoods (France / Luxembourg)



Quests and thrills. Amount­ing to 60% of the line-up, adven­ture films large­ly dom­i­nat­ed this year’s selec­tion. The Lit­tle Prince of Shangri-La”, Dr Howl”, or Agent 203″ have delight­ed fans of out­stand­ing expe­di­tions and hero­ic missions.

For all ages. Films aimed at fam­i­ly audi­ences were still in the major­i­ty for this edi­tion with 31 works (58%) such as Rose and the Mar­mots”, Mou­Moush - The King of Plas­tic”, Lucy Lost”, and SuperK­laus”. 18% of the projects were aimed at Young Adults/​Adults, 16% at Chil­dren, 4% at Teenagers, and 4% at Pre-schoolers.

Spot­light on Pub­lish­ers. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Frank­furter Buchmesse and VIP Brands, this year’s Spot­light was ded­i­cat­ed to the pub­lish­ing indus­try. Del­e­gates from about 20 pub­lish­ing com­pa­nies from all over Europe had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet pro­duc­ers and to rein­force the exist­ing con­nec­tions between both sec­tors. This two-way dynam­ic is already appar­ent in the 15 projects (28%) based on books or graph­ic nov­els in this year’s line­up. Among those, The Fly­ing Man’s Prophe­cy”, The Trea­sure of the Wyrm”, Elli and her Mon­ster Team”, or The Wild Inside” made the leap from paper to screen. The oppo­site is also true as Siroc­co and the King­dom of the Wind”, pitched at Car­toon Movie in 2020, had its own book adap­ta­tion. Some com­mer­cial projects, such as The Defects”, and less con­ven­tion­al films like The Lit­tle Run” or Pale Pink”, cap­tured the inter­est of pub­lish­ers too.

4 projects from the Ter­ri­to­ry. The Nou­velle-Aquitaine stands out in the 2024 Car­toon Movie selec­tion with 4 projects. 3 projects are sup­port­ed by the Nou­velle-Aquitaine Region: Picas­so in Roy­an” by Benoît Lau­re, Into the Won­der­woods” by Vin­cent Paron­naud & Alex­is Ducord, and Liv­ing Large” by Kristi­na Dufkovà. Picas­so in Roy­an” as well as The Line” are sup­port­ed by the Départe­ment Charente.

Cel­e­brat­ed direc­tors. Reflect­ing the rich­ness and diver­si­ty of Euro­pean ani­ma­tion, the selec­tion fea­tured both cel­e­brat­ed and up-and-com­ing direc­tors. Alessan­dro Rak (“The Lit­tle Prince of Shangri-La”), Toby Genkel (“Out of Frame”), and Neil Boyle & Kirk Hendry (“Ken­suke’s King­dom”) are some of the renowned direc­tors who pitched their new works in Bordeaux.

Young tal­ents on the front­line. An engag­ing half-day of mas­ter­class­es was arranged as part of the Coach­ing Pro­gramme specif­i­cal­ly designed for young tal­ents from 12 local French schools. In the after­noon, stu­dents also had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to net­work and con­nect with local com­pa­nies at a Jobs & Intern­ships Market.”


The main partners of Cartoon Movie are Creative Europe - MEDIA, CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée), Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Bordeaux Métropole, and Pôle Image Magelis.


Cartoon Movie 2025 will take place from 4 to 6 March in Bordeaux.


Cartoon Movie aims at helping producers to speed up financing, find co-producers and attract interest from international distributors. Since its creation in 1999, 467 films found financing, representing a total budget of 3.06 billion EUR.