Cre­ative Europe - MEDIA

Ani­ma­tion, a key sec­tor of the Euro­pean audio­vi­su­al indus­try, offers infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties for great com­bi­na­tions of cre­ativ­i­ty and inno­va­tion, stim­u­lat­ing the econ­o­my, job cre­ation, and our rich cul­ture. At the same time, this sec­tor has, in recent years, suc­cess­ful­ly embraced the new con­sump­tion trends of an increas­ing­ly broad and diverse audi­ence, adapt­ing to the grow­ing demand from view­ers of all ages. Now more than ever, this work is vital to strength­en the com­pet­i­tive­ness of the sec­tor in Europe and beyond. […]” Lucia Recalde • Deputy Direc­tor, Head of Unit Audio­vi­su­al Indus­try and Media Sup­port Programmes”

"[...] The integration of animation tools and know-how into rapidly expanding fields, such as virtual worlds, has opened up new horizons in terms of creation and development of markets, making it possible to create experiences that are both immersive and engaging. Similarly, animation represents a fertile ground for collaborations. In recent years, this sector has developed a production model based on European cooperation, through co-development and co-production initiatives often supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. This approach has helped to create a truly European industry for audiovisual animation production, with structuring effects for the entire sector.

Through the Creative Europe programme, the European Commission intends to continue supporting the sector's efforts to improve its global competitiveness. European animation indeed faces many challenges, in particular the development of new talents, maintaining a cutting-edge production volume in Europe, and stimulating investment.

Cartoon Forum has clearly identified these challenges. CARTOON provides a unique opportunity for those involved in animation to come together and discuss common issues, thereby fostering the emergence of new co-productions that will in turn have a better chance of travelling internationally. I wish you an excellent edition, may it be as successful as the previous ones." — Lucia Recalde

The MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme supports the European film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote European works, taking into account today’s digital environment.

In addition it

  • encourages cooperation across the value chain of the audiovisual industry and at EU level in order to scale up enterprises and European content globally
  • nurtures talents – wherever they come from – and facilitates knowledge-sharing
  • supports innovative solutions to meet the market demands and trends
  • engages with audiences of all ages, especially the younger generations

Projects supported by Creative Europe - MEDIA at Cartoon Forum 2024

A Lam­b’s Stew

➤ Pro­duced by La Cabane Pro­duc­tions (France), co-pro­duced by Thuris­tar (Bel­gium)

Gugliel­mo The Inventor

Pro­duced by POPCult (Italy), co-pro­duced by Ani­malps Pro­duc­tions (France) & Kru­tart (Czech Republic)

Once there was…

➤ Pro­duced by Bagan Films (France), co-pro­duced by B Film (Slo­va­kia) and Momakin (Poland)

Ooops! The Ark is Stranded

➤ Pro­duced by Moe­tion Films (Ire­land), co-pro­duced by Ulysses Film­spro­duk­tion (Ger­many)


➤ Pro­duced by Sub­ma­rine Ani­ma­tion (The Netherlands)

The 4th Planet

➤ Pro­duced by Les Astro­nautes (France), co-pro­duced by Sun Crea­ture (France)