Chill out, Zeus!

Our main char­ac­ters are the teenage gods Athena, Aphrodite, Her­a­cles, and Her­mes, living on Mount Olym­pus, home of the gods and god­dess­es, togeth­er with their par­ents Zeus & Hera. Every­day life in Olym­pus is dom­i­nat­ed by one theme in par­tic­u­lar — name­ly the mood of Zeus. He can get quite upset about the tini­est of things. Be it that he has just had a bad dream or has acci­den­tal­ly dropped a light­ning bolt on his foot. For the sake of all con­cerned – both in Olym­pus and on Earth – a bad mood should be avoid­ed at all costs. So our four teenage heroes have per­fect­ed the art of appeas­ing their father with telling sto­ries of great adven­tures or embark upon one themselves.