Accred­i­ta­tion fees

For all par­tic­i­pants: 300 EUR* (excl. VAT, incl. reg­is­tra­tion fees of Cartoon Business and admin­is­tra­tion costs)

EU com­pa­nies can recov­er the VAT charges (if they are liable for VAT).

*Special rate for professionals from Belgium. For any further information please contact


Fee: 300 EUR (+ taxes)

Your fee includes:

  • 2 lunch­es
  • Cof­fee breaks
  • 2 din­ners: the Wel­come Din­ner and the Farewell Dinner
  • Pro­fes­sion­al mem­ber­ship and admin­is­tra­tion costs

Your fee doesn’t include:

  • Accommodation and transport
  • Transfer from and to the airport
  • Any additional meals and beverages
  • Any extra services from your hotel (phone calls, mini bar, bars…)

If you are a citizen of one of the following countries (Alba­nia, Armenia, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Geor­gia, Greece, Ice­land, Latvia, Liecht­en­stein, Lithuania, Malta, Mon­tene­gro, North Mace­do­nia, Repub­lic of Ser­bia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia and Ukraine), you may benefit from a scholarship in order to participate to Cartoon Business.

Should you have any question, please contact Laura Jarka:

Should you want to apply for scholarship for Cartoon Business:
Please complete the Scholarship form and send us a motivation letter and a CV by 15 September 2024.

In case of withdraw of your scholarship, please confirm in written to Laura Jarka ( at the latest by the end of September 2024.

Attention: Scholarship candidates who need to apply for a Schengen VISA should notify CARTOON with the approval of their VISA by the end of September 2024. Any changes after this date results in room cancellation and administration fee.


Pay­ment must be made in 2 instalments:

  • Pay now your reg­is­tra­tion fee (the invoice will be sent with­in 5 days).
  • Hotel cost will be invoiced to you as soon as we receive your approval on our proposals.

Choice of pay­ments

  • Cred­it cards: Visa, Mas­ter­card or Maestro
  • Ban­con­tact